What are the
advantages of China's fully automatic blow molding machine industry?
What is the industrial chain of fully automatic blow molding machines
and fully automatic blow molding machine parts?
First, the
automatic blow molding machine production factor structure upgrade, the
innovation elements are increasingly abundant, especially the education
level is improved, the automatic blow molding machine vocational
training is gradually popularized, the overall quality of the automatic
blow molding machine industry workers team is improved; the
undergraduate and graduate students scale Expanded, the knowledge-based
human resources advantage began to appear;
Second, the automatic
blowing machine business organization and management capabilities have
been greatly improved, the automatic blow molding machine entrepreneur
team gradually mature;
Third, the automatic blow molding machine
technology and the automatic blowing machine industry supporting
capacity are greatly enhanced, and the success rate of innovation is
Fourth, the market for automatic blow molding machines is
booming, demand levels are increasing, and diversified market patterns
are gradually taking shape.
The comparative advantage of China's
fully automatic blow molding machine industry has been transformed from
low-cost general manufacturing to “low-low advantage” for low-cost
R&D and low-cost complex manufacturing. Among them, the
"intellectual intensity level" is generally not available in developing
countries, and the "skills labor intensity" is a field that cannot be
afforded by developed countries. It is a vast space for China's fully
automatic blow molding machine industry to let go. It is a Chinese
automatic blow molding machine. Industry and fully automatic blow
molding machine companies have stepped into the global leading position.
This is an important judgment that can be made by analyzing domestic
and foreign factors. It will have a greater impact on the fully
automatic blow molding machine industry and fully automatic blow molding
machine enterprises for a long time to come. Multinational companies
have set up R&D institutions in China, which is a fancy to China's
cheap knowledge-based human resources.
With the increasing
quality requirements of automatic blow molding machine products, the
requirements for the design of automatic blow molding machine parts are
becoming more and more demanding. However, the domestic automatic blow
molding machine parts have achieved quality and technology. A few points
of achievement and progress. The development trend of the automatic
blow molding machine parts processing industry is mainly the development
of fully automatic blow molding machine products towards larger, more
precise, more complex and more economical and fast. There are more and
more automatic blow molding machine parts factories. And in all
industrially developed countries, most of them pay more attention to the
development of automatic blow molding machine parts manufacturing
industry, especially the automatic blow molding machine parts machine
At present, there are more than 50 fully automatic blow
molding machine parts factories (or fully automatic blow molding machine
parks, agglomeration production bases, etc.) in China, and there are
more than ten under construction, preparation or planning. Moreover,
based on the important position of the automatic blow molding machine
parts industry in the national economy, the state has given some
encouragement and support policies. The automatic blow molding machine
parts processing industry needs to develop more quickly, and it needs to
mobilize various positive factors, which needs strong support from all
With the wide application of automatic blow molding
machine accessories, we still rely on imported high-end components in
automotive transmission systems, steering systems, body parts and engine
products. Automatic blow molding machine parts and equipment are
important in automotive equipment. As a component, each new model of car
requires thousands of automatic blow molding machine parts, worth
hundreds of millions of yuan, while China's large-scale precision
automatic blow molding machine parts manufacturing capacity is
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Address:1 Yuefeng Rd, Zhangjiagang, Jiangsu,China (Zhangjiagang Economical DevelopmentZone, Zhangjiagang, Jiangsu, China)